Etkinlikler ve Duyurular

Haftanın En Önemli Duyuruları

  1. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesinin Açılış Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024 Olarak Belirlenmiştir.
  2. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesinde Güncel Olarak Toplamda 182 Farklı Topluluk Vardır.
Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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